Monday, October 28, 2013

Convention Style: Darth Vader [Aki-con 2013]

Darth Vader Dress: Her Universe // Boots: Thrifted (Steve Madden) // Belt: Gift from old roommate // Jacket: Love Culture // Headband: eBay // Darth Vader Ring: Gift from Arsenica Accoutrement // Boba Fett/Hello Kitty necklace: Gift // Wig: eBay

So, Aki-con was this past weekend and while I only took photos of TWO of my outfits, I'm still trying to keep up with this series! I promise after next week when things die down I'll be back to documenting my daily looks, ahh!

I haven't had time or the funds to do any cosplay lately, so I've been trying to find fun ways to spruce up my geeky clothing at cons to be kind of cosplay. I am so obsessed with this dress that I got from Her Universe at San Diego Comic-con this year (well, I pretty much love EVERYTHING Her Universe), but it was too short on me since I'm 5'10". I added a fluffy tulle skirt underneath and it made it so cute that I formed an entire Gothic Lolita inspired look around it!

The ring is one of the most amazing things ever. It was a gift from a fan of Fangasm named Pattie, and she made one for me, Regina, and Kristin! So we all have matching ones. I love it!! I want a million more of her jewelry! Here's her Etsy Shop.


  1. You look amazing and the wig is out of this world. :-)

  2. I have that dress too, it's one of my most favorites! I wore mine to work yesterday with a black blazer and an Admiral Ackbar necklace :) I love the way you styled yours with a motorcycle jacket and fluffy skirt. You look like an adorable BAMF.

    Nina //

  3. Just stumbled on your blog, and it's amazing! Then I stumbled on this post and OH MY GOD IM OBSESSED! Definitely perfect for a convention, or regular clothes if you want people to know immediately how effing cool you are (I mean, I would want to be your friend, not gonna lie).

  4. Ironically, the items from this look that I love the most are the non-geeky: boots, headband, and jacket (OMG the jacket).
    You look amazing, Molly!

  5. I love it. Awesome outfit.

  6. woaw very original, a reel style! I love it!

    Xx With Love,



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