Polka Dot Dress: H&M (
Similar) // White Faux Leather Vest: Forever 21 (
Similar) (Gift from Dan's mom. Thanks Jenny!) // Mint Platforms: Forever 21 (
Similar) // Spiked Headband: eBay (
Similar) // Spiked Bracelet: Halloween Supply Store haha (
Similar) // Unicorn Necklace (
Similar) // Mint Geometric Earrings c/o
Perfectly Cloudy
Haha, well, I'm apparently still just as bad at updating even though the weather has cheered up. Bad Molly, bad! This post has been sitting in my queue for at least a week - oooops! I am a bad blogger. Everyone scold me! Wait, negative reinforcement doesn't work. Ummm, shower me with praise and tell me how you can't live without the Geeky Peacock and how you DESPERATELY NEED content from me DAILY? Yeah, that one. Do that.
I've actually been taking it easy for the last week or so. I'm waiting on some potentially life changing news this week, so I've been sitting back and smelling the flowers - literally. Until they try to have sex in my nasal cavities and I start to die of an allergy attack but STILL.
Fun fact (in reference to the mint theme I have going on in this outfit): In highschool I was nicknamed Mint. It was a nickname of my own design - I desperately wanted to be an anime character so I gave myself that name. It was a mix between the character Mint from the Playstation RPG "Threads of Fate" (who else remembers that game?) and the fact that I consumed a tin of Altoids every two days. Yeah, my breath was super epic all the time. Except no boys wanted to kiss the real girl - waaah! Don't worry: my Legolas cardboard cut out reaped the benefits. Anyway, everyone thought I was named Mint for a long time! I want to punch teenage Molly in the face.
I'm going to start working on my Steampunk Wonder Woman re-design for SDCC tonight! You guys thought it was good last year? JUST YOU WAIT FOR THIS YEAR. My new friend Chelsea designed it for me and it has a DUSTER. A DUSTERRRRR. I'm probably going to be boiling in San Diego heat but DOESN'T MATTER HAD COSPLAY.
Other SDCC cosplay I need to get my ass in gear on: Polaris from X-men and I need to finish my Super Villain Cruella Deville. I'm trying to decide if I should go for a fourth or not! Anyone have any cosplay suggestions/requests?
Oh, and this is a remix outfit post! I wore this polka dot dress in my
last post, too. Yay versatile clothing pieces!